Dating a guy 10 years older

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It doesn't matter how mature you may be, or how well you two get along. I am afraid that the age difference will be refraining him from trying to show his true intentions!!. Go for walks when the weather permits. When I am 60, he will be -- OK, fine, you can do math, I suppose. Rather than asking him or her such questions directly, lay low and gather your information over time. Fub Gurl, pretty please!.

At some point during our dating season, I realized it was coming and started giggling over it, even then. This year, my husband, who will move up into his forties, will officially be married to a girl still in her twenties. And I think that is a crying shame. Marry someone at least ten years older than you and… 1. Whenever women talk about hitting thirty, or forty, or fifty or any other age that causes them to have a slight crisis , you can always smile a little. Two words: financial stability. Meals will never be a problem. Everything you do for him will be INCREDIBLE. You fold his laundry? You get up and make coffee? You clean the bathroom? You go grocery shopping on a regular basis so there is actually food in the cupboard? You might need to tell him to stop kissing your feet. Of course, there are many variables to any marriage and this list is not a formula, just a humorous look at some possibilities. Are you in a marriage with a large age-gap? How did you make your teen relationships last and how did you tell your parents? I want ur feedback and help in my situation. I saw him before I knew that he has a crush on me and my impression was that he is a very decent man.. And what can I do with my family! And with the society who will say she married an old man for his money! Or may be because no one wants to marry her! Hi Yasmine, Sorry it took a while for us to get back to you! I understand how this situation can feel pressing and stressful. You said that you are 28. No matter what age you are, there is never a good reason to rush something this precious. Even if you were forty…or ninety! I know that I am speaking from a different culture, but my recommendation would be for you and your family to try to get to know this man before moving forward with any definite plans. What are his religious views? What made him interested in you? What are his plans for the future? Does he want kids? Later, if you find that he is what you truly want in a husband, then you should accept his proposal! I hope this helps. This is a great reminder for me about the positives of marrying my husband who is 11 years older than me sounds about the same, I am 28 and he is almost 40. We have been married for 3 years now and have a 5 month old baby boy. He has always wanted a family and is so excited and happy that he has one now and I think appreciates it more because he waited so long. However, I do struggle with the fact that we want another child and he will be in his 60s when they graduate highschool. Has anyone else experienced this?? Regardless, I still feel extremely blessed to have him. Just curious if others have stuggled with this and how they learned to accept it…. This is a subject my nineteen years older husband and I have talked about quite a bit. As a result, he has made sure to draw up a will, arrange for my financial future as a widow, and do everything he can to stay in shape so that he can be as healthy as possible as long as possible. That said, no one is promised tomorrow, sweetheart. Not young men, not old men. Tragedy strikes all alike, those that are ready, and those that are not. Also, although your husband may not be able to be as active with your children as you would like, there is a large chance that he will be wiser with them than he would have been in his youth. Yes, experience is a trade-off for youth, but marriage oftentimes tends to be a practice in seeing beauty where it is, not where you want it to be. It sounds like you already realize most of this. There are advantages and disadvantages to be carefully considered in every single type of relationship. It honestly scares the daylights out of me sometimes because of the age difference, but we are just so ridiculously happy together. Thank you again for sharing and God bless you and your wonderful marriage! I can so relate! I scandalously married a man that I met on a church youth group trip…he was my chaperone! I was 18 and he was 28 when we met. He was in seminary at the time, and I was just starting college. We dated for 3 years and now have been married for 5 years. I was that girl he had been praying for. I once had a high school girl ask me what I thought about dating an older guy. Had to be careful with my response! Despite my being 28 and my husband being 35 when we married: -he went to college later, so his peers are all young and cute -he lived with his parents up until the day we married and they still cook and bring us food and even do our laundry sometimes! And also you may have grandchildren eventually who will never have a grandfather around. Lots to think about when it comes to marrying someone 10+ years older. You see, there is always a chance of outliving your spouse or one of you losing some kind of physical ability. Sometimes it has to do with age, other times the younger one faces the disabilities or death first. Every couple years he goes through all of his business stuff and tells me what he wants me to do when he dies. The last time, I responded by going into great detail about what I wanted him to do if I went first and he looked at me cross-eyed. But what comes after life, for the Believer, is more wonderful than this world can ever be. While I agree with you on the point that either one could go first… after all, only God knows the number of days, there is still the fact that God does call us to use common sense and think things through. The choices we make now will affect us for generations to come. And yes, I am a Christian and look forward to Heaven! Just following our hearts can lead to disaster and many a heartache. Marriage is such a blessing but it also has its challenges. Why add to the challenges by marrying someone as old as your father? Otherwise I could have fallen for anyone who seemed like a great guy and told me that he loved me. Which meant, that I would no sooner marry a 50 year old than an 80 year old! It was a short list but it was my guide so I would never be tempted to compromise. And with all the predators around, one has to be cautious about why there is an attraction there. Not trying to bring anyone down or anything though. This applies to possible spouses of any age. I appreciated the maturity and stability and yes, wrinkles, of an more cultured man. I think most of the women that like this post will understand that. It was not an arranged marriage, although my parents heartily approved of the match. He was never married before me. He did not pursue me. He was stable and secure financially, emotionally and spiritually. I was also stable, and was not scrambling for a mate. I was not jumping for the first guy that came along. I had more boundaries in my life than anyone else I knew. The Lord brought us together in a beautiful way, and marrying Marty was the best non-salvational decision I ever made. I hope this helps you understand. Thank you for the reply, Jessiqua. It does help me understand a little more. I guess for me I had always been that girl who was never attracted to baby face boys nor the older, wrinkly type. I mean, would they be okay marrying a 60 or 70 or 80 year old too? Obviously your situation was different and very God and parent honoring. And I can see you two are meant for each other! You have a treasure. My concerns are coming from situations where I have seen older divorced guys seemingly only go after younger, attractive women and it seems to only end in chaos the instances I know of anyway. I can see how it could be harder to relate to someone who is 2+ generations older than you. You are so right. There are a ton of bad examples of marriage out there. Age is not so much the factor as character flaws in the individuals. It was very easy for Marty and me to relate to each other. Thank you so much for your feedback! I appreciate this conversation. What a fun post! I love all the above reasons and find that most of them do ring true for us as well. He definitely appreciates me a lot,and knows how to cook pretty good too so I am often blessed on long work days to come home to a terrific meal! Aww, I loved this post. I hope one day…I will be able to have such an A-mazing and Godly Marriage, such as the one, THE LOVE of her life and her do! I am so Honored, that God placed Tasha in my life, when He did! S- I Love and Miss You Tasha, and I am so Proud of you!!!! I…TOTALLY… agree with all of these! The last one is especially precious. I read the list to my husband and he laughed and nodded the whole way through. A lot of people speak badly about a couple with a unique age difference. So both you and your man have to grow a thick skin. I am cherished and appreciated and loved in a very special way. What a great article! I think that if our age difference is the biggest difference we have, then we are doing much better than lots of other couples!! Its been such a blessing stumbling across this website today. I am 21 and currently seeing a 34 yrs old guy. Technically he is 12 yrs older not 13,but because my birthday is all the way in December and his in January, the moment I turn a year older, he is right behind me. I prayed about us from the very beginning and so far I can say God has been faithful. However when reality started hitting me that he may very well be my husband, a kind of overwhelming fear hit me. Even though I have always been attracted to older men I was kind of scared about the disadvantages that comes with marrying someone way older, like outgrowing each other and him not being active enough to raise our kids together especially because my parents marriage has been a nightmare and they are 15years apart. To be honest he is everything I want in a husband. Despite the age difference, we play and goof around a lot and I like that he can be my friend as well as a teacher when I need him to seeing that he has had some experiences that I am yet to have. But am having so much peace right now about us. Thanks Natasha, and everyone else for sharing.

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